Like adults, children also experience many mental health challenges and can develop psychological problems that persists into later developmental stages. Child psychological disorders are often difficult to identify, disagnose, and treat, and treatment options can be controversial (e.g. providing medication at early ages). This course would present theory, research, assessment, and intervention in child and adolescent psychological disorders. Contributions of the normal developmental perspective to understanding psychopathology and risk, and vice versa, would emphasized. Importantly, this course would discuss the unique experiences and challenges inherent to underserved and historically overlooked populations such as families experiencing homeslessness or those living in poverty. Contextual factors (e.g. bias and lack of attention within the scientific community, lack of sustained outreach or community resources, etc.), treatment barriers, and other salient population-specific factors (e.g. how racism and racial discrimination influence mental health among children of color) would be discussed.